Acoustic waves anti-cellulite therapy by the Shockwave therapeutic device, uses kinetic energy which transforms into a high-pressure acoustic wave, to treat two of the biggest causes of cellulite in women: connective tissue fibrosis, which builds up fat deposits and fatigue into the lower layers of dermis.

Acoustic shockwave waves cause the vibration of the connective tissue in treated area, they enhance the appearance of the skin by affecting the connective tissue stretching and increasing its elasticity. In 90% of cases, the elasticity of the skin continues for up to three months after treatment is completed.

Acoustic shockwave waves also increase skin vascularisation, ensuring a better exchange of matter with connective tissue. Under the influence of acoustic waves comes to a process that stimulates the natural reaction of the substances secretion which helps tissue to recover. It leads to a fibroplastic proliferation, a process that occurs during the wound healing and the creation of a new tissue. A new reinforced collagen chain is made, which is distributed to the upper and lower layers of the skin, making it smoother, firmer and tighter.

In short, the therapy by acoustic shockwave waves affects the connective tissue so that skin becomes tighter and smoother; affects skin neovascularization and stimulates circulatory exchange of matter, whose lack is one of the main causes of cellulite production; It also stimulates the formation of collagen, making the skin more elastic and firmer and the connective tissue becomes elastic so that the effect of orange peel on the skin disappears.

AWT - Acoustic Wave Therapy is a golden standard in aesthetic and cosmetic anti-aging medicine! Acoustic waves AWT therapy is performed by using a radial d-actor set, which uses acoustic waves of high frequency up to 5 bar that penetrate into the aesthetically and functionally changed tissue in the form of high-frequency pulses.

Indications for the AWT use

  • Cellulite treatment,
  • Circumference reduction,
  • Stretch marks treatment,
  • Lymphatic drainage,
  • Skin firming,
  • Wellness massage.

AWT therapy by acoustic waves uses the existing ability of the organism for regenerating, in order to tighten the tissue and start the process of consumption of stored fat.

When cellulite achieves an advanced pathological level, the lymphatic vascular system is no longer able to return sufficient amounts of protein molecules and catabolic products from the interstitial space to the venous system which leads to fibrosis and changes of the tissue properties.

This powerful mechanical stimulation, produced by the waves itself, is transformed into a chemical activity. It results in increasing of cell membrane permeability and improves blood flow at all tissue levels.

Patients with cellulite often have hypotonic postural muscles and loose skin. In these cases, vibratory treatment is also used to provide additional muscular stimulation. Increased muscular blood circulation contributes to the formation of adenosine triphosphate with enriched energy from active cell metabolism and creates new muscle fibers and muscle strengthening.

AWT waves are applied into the tissue to stimulate the cells. This increases the permeability of the cell membrane, free fat acids and glycerol are released from the cell. Metabolic products accumulate in the intercellular space and remove through the lymphatic and blood system. Certain diet and physical activity are recommended. It gives a 2.5 to 7 cm reduction in body circumference.


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